Glare Reduction in Style

iQUE 53GII is our Spectrally Selective window film that offers high solar control performance with low visible light reflectance, providing an ideal balance of a moderate dark tint with glare control without compromising on heat rejection comfort.

The core of iQUE’s spectrally-selective infrared heat rejection performance is its XIR technology, a proprietary sputtering process developed in Silicon Valley, USA. 53GII is designed to shield the house from heat and harmful effects of ultra-violet rays.

Spectrally Selective IQUE 53 GII
Colour Neutral
Visible Light Transmission 53%
Visible Light Reflectance (Glass) 10%
Visible Light Reflectance (Film) 9%
Ultra-violet Rejection 99%
Total Solar Energy Rejection 61%
Luminous Efficacy 1.19
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.39
Shading Coefficient 0.45
Emissivity 0.78
U-Value (btu/hr.ft2.0F) 1.01

* Film tested on standard 3mm clear annealed glass and specifications are subjected to variations under intervening conditions.

Thousands of homes save with V-KOOL.
Call to order: (021)22686433 / (021)22623792

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